Join me in the screening room as I discuss this weekend's biggest new releases.

Firstly, a very special thank you to everyone who listened, shared, and supported the premiere batch of episodes! It means the absolute world to me, and I can't wait to record and release more episodes to explore the world of cinema from every angle.
The fifth episode of Kaveh J.'s Screening Room is available to stream on podcast platforms right now, including but not limited to: Spotify, Apple Podcasts, and Google Podcasts. Check out the episode summary below (click the title of the episode to get to the podcast's Anchor Page, where you can stream the episode directly or quick-click to your preferred podcast listening service).
The Wonderful Chaos of 'Shiva Baby,' and Analyzing 'Godzilla vs. Kong' – In this two-part episode, host Kaveh Jalinous first spends a bit of time discussing the newest, and freshest, movie to hit Video-On-Demand: the wonderful, hilarious, anxiety-ridden ride that is Shiva Baby (1:18). Later in the episode, he is joined by special guest (and regular) Keyvan Jalinous as the two discuss the newest Godzilla film and the newest film to hit HBO Max: Godzilla vs. Kong (10:57). Host: Kaveh Jalinous. Special Guest: Keyvan Jalinous.
Image Credit: USA Today